Understanding how to communicate successfully with technology is a necessary competence in today’s ever-changing digital communication landscape. This certificate offers any undergraduate student at Catholic University the ability to complement his or her major area of study with comprehensive training in video production and audio-visual storytelling. By combining course offerings in three main departments — Media and Communication Studies, Art, and Drama — students develop technical skills in lighting, videography, motion graphics, digital audio, and video editing. In addition to building technical proficiencies, this certificate guides students toward developing a creative voice through digital storytelling.

digital storytelling

The Certificate in Video Production and Digital Storytelling offers students many advantages. Increasingly, digital communication skills are necessary in a wide variety of professional fields, such as public relations, marketing, non-profit communications, journalism, film and video making, graphic design, social media management, political communications, law, and education. Proficiency in video production is a highly marketable skill for entrants into 21st-century careers. With combined specialized training in media production and narrative construction, students will have a significant competitive asset on today’s job market, because they will be trained in the creation of powerful and effective media texts. Students can also use this certificate as the foundation for pursuing advanced degrees in media-related fields.

The certificate is distinct from the Media Studies minor, which could be pursued with a focus on video production, but which could just as easily be completed with no production coursework. Distinct as well from the Digital Art and Design certificate, the Certificate in Video Production and Digital Storytelling offers highly specialized training in one mode of digital communication, giving students expertise in the fundamentals of video production. With its narrative component, the sequence of courses stresses how to use technical skills to shape stories with effective messages.


Media Certificate:

Any Catholic University of America student can obtain a certificate in Media Studies. Students hoping to advance their careers and possess real-world experience in Media, should consider this hands-on intensive program. Students are required to complete 2 required courses and 4 electives courses. 

Required Courses:

MDIA 302: Intro to Video Production 

MDIA 312: Intermediate Video Production


Electives for Media and Communication Studies:


Narrative Elective Courses:

CLAS 251: Ancient World in Cinema

DR 305: Theater Topics III

ENG 202: Elements of Drama

ENG 301: Creative Writing: Fiction

ENG 377: Film and Fiction 19th Century Adaptations

ENG 395: Lincoln in Literature and Film

ENG 453/454: American Film Comedy I & II

ENG 456: Science Fiction Media

ENG 458: Religion and Media

ENG 460: Film and History

ENG 470: International New Wave Cinema

FREN 315: Literature and Film: Roman noir/Film noir

GER 240: Weimar Culture in Film & Literature

GER 250: Berlin in Literature and Film

GER 345: The Haunted Screen: Art, History, and Memory in German Film

GER 346: Nietzsche to Film Noir

ITAL 230: Social Issues in Italian Cinema

ITAL 231: New Italian Cinema 1980-2005

ITAL 233: The Myth of Childhood in Italian Cinema

MDIA 322 Media and Crime

MDIA 328: Clint Eastwood: Violence, Vengeance & Redemption

MDIA 342: The Horror Film 

MDIA 450: Film Narrative: The Coen Brothers

MDIA 451: Film Narrative: Alfred Hitchcock

MDIA 452: Film Narrative: Stanley Kubrick

MDIA 459: The Documentary Mode

MDIA 460: Film History: New Hollywood Cinema

MDIA 464: Topics in Television Studies

TRS 338: War, Ethics, and Film


Production Elective Courses:

ART 236: Time-Based Media

ART 231: Introduction to Digital Design: Motion Graphics & Graphic Design

ART 329: Introduction Digital Photography and Photoshop

ART 343: Introduction to Sound Production and Design

ART 344: Multimedia Art Using Final Cut Pro

ART 364: Advanced Multimedia Art Using Final Cut Pro

ART 383: Video Art

ART 384: Digital Photography and Dynamic Narrative

ART 411: Advanced Digital Photography                                                                                                                       

DR 207: Introduction to Design

DR 312: Dirercting I

DR 461: Writing for Television                                                                                                                                

DR 540: Scene Design

DR 543: Stage Lighting

DR 545: Production Design and Management

DR 566: Screenwriting                                                                                                                                                      

MDIA 315: Audio Podcasting 

MDIA 385: Digital Video Editing     

MDIA 499 - 03: Senior Seminar in Documentary Video Production