Pursuing a degree in Media and Communication Studies gave me an extremely well-rounded experience. The program was challenging but guided and gave me the opportunity to utilize the skills I was learning. My senior thesis project allowed me to independently create a project that I was not only proud of but also helped me get the internship that jumped started my career. I did multiple internships throughout college both in person and online. It only took me a year after college to land my dream job, which is something that I anticipated would take a longer time.
I would recommend MCS to prospective students because of the professors. They are always willing to work with you and do what's best for you in your education. I was able to finish my final semester online and take all my exams early so that I could begin my job before I graduated. I know that this flexibility put me ahead of my peers in the industry and I had access to and was considered for positions because of this. In addition, the proximity to a major metropolitan city allowed me to have experiences I wouldn't have otherwise had, but the small community within Catholic U also gave me opportunities that I wouldn't have had at a larger school.